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L.E. Wilson

Caja de la serie Deathless Night Libros 4-6 (EBOOK)

Caja de la serie Deathless Night Libros 4-6 (EBOOK)

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gothic line

click to read the synopsis

Mine to protect. Mine to claim. Mine to keep.

When their world is threatened, six vampires solicit the help of a family of reluctant witches to break the curse that's been cast on them and stop the jealous designs of an outcast coven member.

Compelled to protect, forbidden to love, the vampires discover with one taste of their blood that they're bound to their witches by more than their shared cause.

 They're bound by fate. 

The Deathless Night series is a spicy, adult paranormal romance full of action and suspense, and maybe even a few Scottish werewolf shifters. It also features damaged, possessive, protective heroes and the strong heroines who steal their heart.

Get it today and get ready to sink your teeth into your next favorite PNR read

Termina la serie con esta caja de libros 4-6:

  • Un vampiro traicionado

El vampiro Christian Moore ha pasado toda su vida, tanto humana como inmortal, luchando por el respeto de sus compañeros. Tiene códigos por los que vive. Estrictos códigos morales, tanto en su vida personal como en su trabajo. Y no los rompe. Alguna vez. Hasta que se encuentra a merced carnal de una mujer con ojos como el cielo del mediodía y cabello con los colores de un atardecer de verano. Su anhelo por ella es antinatural, y verla bailar hace que su sangre arda como ácido en sus venas. Pero él no puede no mirarla.

Cuando tenía quince años, Ryan Moss perdió la cabeza. O, al menos, eso es lo que las voces en su cabeza la harían creer. En las calles de Tijuana encuentra algo que hace que las voces se alejen. Para conseguirlo, se avergüenza de admitirlo, hará casi cualquier cosa, incluso desnudarse para un hombre al que no puede ver ni oír. Sin embargo, ella puede sentir su furiosa necesidad por ella a través de la bruma de su euforia, y su cuerpo responde con un hambre voraz propia.

Christian puede hacer que las voces desaparezcan y quiere que Ryan sea suyo. Pero primero tendrá que aprender a confiar en ella, y ella en él. La vida de ambos depende de ello.

ADVERTENCIA: Esta novela contiene contenido que puede ser un desencadenante para algunos, incluidos, entre otros, adicción a las drogas y escenas de violencia.

  • La sumisión de un vampiro

Su sangre le salva la vida.
Su abrazo mata su alma.

Dante Gabor ha sobrevivido a muchas cosas desde que se convirtió en vampiro, pero saltar de un avión y aterrizar de emergencia en el desierto sin paracaídas lo estaba empujando, incluso para él. Para sobrevivir al implacable sol, entierra su cuerpo destrozado en su propia tumba de arena. Pero la curación es dolorosamente lenta y se ve obligado a levantarse y cazar presas más grandes. Medio loco de sed, se pone de rodillas ante el sabor seductor de una mujer solitaria cuya dulce sangre cura su cuerpo, pero lo deja deseando aún más.


Laney Moss ama el desierto de Mojave que rodea su casa y camina por los senderos superiores con frecuencia, preparada para cualquier cosa que pueda encontrar. Pero nada la preparó para el monstruo que llega con el sol poniente para acecharla. En los momentos antes de que él ataque, una palabra se estrella en su mente aterrorizada: Vampiro. Ella se las arregla para escapar, pero él rastrea la llamada de su sangre y enciende una pasión en ella que la asusta casi tanto como la emociona.

A Dante no le queda más remedio que llevarla a su guarida secreta.
Ahora solo necesita convencerla de que se quede.

  • La elección de un vampiro

Un vampiro condenado a ser intocable.

Feliz de estar de vuelta en Seattle, Shea Bennet no quiere nada más que olvidarse del enigmático brujo que la salvó de un destino peor que la muerte. Pero sus ojos color topacio la persiguen, y su olor perverso la hace desear algo que nunca podrá tener, algo más que su sangre: su toque. Aunque ella siente su presencia dondequiera que va, la toma por sorpresa cuando de repente aparece para interrumpir su caza. Shea descubre que las tornas han cambiado y es ella quien es la presa.

Un brujo decidido a romper la maldición.

Desde que la liberó de su hogar en la montaña, Jesse Moss descubre que está poseído por el recuerdo de un vampiro al que se siente obligado a proteger por razones que no puede explicar. Noche tras noche, él yace envuelto en su aroma, su voz de whisky invade sus sueños y, por primera vez en su vida solitaria, se siente solo en la oscuridad. Inquieto y preocupado, él la sigue hasta su casa y le ofrece un trato, si acepta pasar algún tiempo con él. Un trato que no tiene intención de cumplir.

El pasado maldito de Shea no le permitirá tenerlo.
Su futuro insiste en que ella debe hacerlo.

Este EBOOK será entregado instantáneamente por correo electrónico por Bookfunnel.

click here for a sneak peek

Chapter 1 

He was dying. Literally. 

Christian slammed his sweaty palm against the glass wall in front of him as his  bloodshot eyes watched the woman on the other side. His silver cuff bracelet clanked  against it so hard, the turquoise stones should have left chips in the glass. But they didn’t,  because this was no ordinary glass. It was some type of indestructible, vampire-proof  glass. 

Through eyes that burned with lust and sweat, he watched her: The woman who  had been both his sweetest fantasy and his worst nightmare for as long as he could  remember now. The girl with skin so pale and translucent he could see the delicate blue  veins just underneath where her life’s blood flowed. The girl with eyes just slightly  darker in color than the ancient stones on his wrist. The girl whose full, up-tipped breasts  made his mouth water to taste them and his hips rock to and fro uncontrollably, like a dog  near a bitch in heat. The girl with the hair that had stolen all of the colors of the fiery  sunset he missed so much.  

He shoved his other hand down the front of his jeans, gripping himself tight at the  head and then sliding up and down the swollen girth with short, hard pumps. The  hypnotic beat of “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails thumped throughout the room, and his  blood pulsed heavier through his veins with every beat. His fangs were bared on a hiss  and his gut ached with a razor sharp hunger he had yet to experience in all of his long  years — until now. But he knew it was his eyes that would surely give him away for what  he truly was. From the feel of them, they would be glowing bright and eerie from under  his heavy brows, the color a vivid topaz, as he tracked every move she made with an  intensity that human men did not possess. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to not watch her.  Besides, she never looked at him when she was dancing.  

She was alone in the empty room of the club on the other side of the glass, her back 

up against a single silver pole that ran from floor to ceiling. Facing him, she writhed  against that cold metal that she could work like nobody’s business. But she wasn’t  dancing anymore. She’d stopped dancing a while ago.  

Instead, one of her dainty hands was shoved up under her short, gold skirt, and  although he couldn’t see it, he knew that she was touching herself. Something she’d  never done before; at least not for him. Her other hand was on her bare breast,  manipulating the soft flesh and then pinching the dusky nipple. Her skimpy top had long  since been removed as part of her striptease.  

As the end of the song rose to a throbbing crescendo, she threw her head back and  cried out, her body convulsing as she made herself come while he watched. Her face  contorted into an erotic mien, lost somewhere between pleasure and pain and made all the  more beautiful for it.  

He cried out with her, his forehead smashing into the glass as his body jacked  towards her instinctively. But even though he was hard as a fucking rock and rubbing  himself raw, he couldn’t get off. And he knew he wouldn’t be able to, not until he was  inside of a woman’s tight sheath, whether it be hers or another’s. 

She wobbled in her stiletto heels as her legs gave out and she slid down the stripper  pole to sit on the floor. His hand was still fisted around his cock, and he squeezed it way  too hard as he collapsed to his knees, wishing he could just rip the fucking thing off. But  honestly he barely felt the pain he was causing himself. He couldn’t feel anything over  the burn of his screaming muscles as they cramped and twisted around the acid in his  veins.  

He lifted his head at the same time that she lifted hers, and they stared at each other  through the glass for the first time. Her sapphire blue eyes were large in her pale face; the  purplish circles underneath making them appear even brighter than normal. As she stared  at him, a single fat tear slid down her flawless cheek, and he pressed his forehead to the  

glass again as he watched it fall.  

He wanted to go to her. He wanted to gently wipe that tear from her delicate face.  Then he wanted to rip that flimsy excuse of a skirt off of her and bury his aching cock in  her warmth as he sank his fangs deep into that slender throat. He groaned aloud at the 

thought of feeding from her while he fucked her senseless. He swore he could almost  taste her from behind the glass. But he couldn’t do any of those things, because he was  trapped in this goddamned, vampire-proof viewing box with his jeans hanging open and  his cock jutting out of his hand like some kind of animal.  

Gritting his teeth against the pain that scorched through his body like hot acid, he  slapped his palm against the glass. “Help me!” he snarled.  

She blinked once, slowly, her eyelids appearing heavy. Lifting her hand from  beneath her skirt, she stared at it for a moment with a frown marring her pretty features  before it dropped onto her lap, like she didn’t understand what it had just been doing. 

Christian folded forward as the fire in his blood surged across his abdomen and  down into his balls. Releasing his throbbing cock with a hiss of pain, his other hand  joined the first to pound on the glass. “Open this fucking thing!”  

Her bemused gaze wandered to the side, and then drifted over the entire wall of  glass, as if she were searching for something but didn’t quite know what it was. She  closed her eyes again for so long that he began to wonder if she’d fallen asleep, but then  she seemed to rouse, and slowly pushed herself to her feet. She teetered unsteadily for a  moment in her ridiculous shoes. Gathering up her top that she’d taken off during her  dance, she stumbled across the room and out the door in the back. The music shut off as  soon as the door closed behind her. 

She couldn’t see him, he realized. She couldn’t fucking see him. 

Rearing back, he threw his head forward and smashed it into the glass wall so hard  it should’ve shattered. But it only formed an outline of the shape of his head, and then  snapped back into its former shape as soon as he pulled away. 

“AHHHHHH!!!” He screamed until his voice gave out.  

Collapsing onto his side, he curled up into a ball with his arms wrapped around his  middle to ride out the pain. It would subside after a bit, enough so he could move about  freely, though it never completely went away. And he knew that it wouldn’t until his body  had what it craved.  

He needed blood. And he needed sex. Physically needed it. Thanks to whatever the  hell had happened to him after his creator, Luukas, had been taken. Before he’d been 

swiped up off the street near his home in Seattle and locked in this hellhole, he’d been  going through six to eight females a night — every night — for the past seven years.  He’d fuck them, feed from them, and then send them home to their families. Safe and  sound. And he’d discovered real quick that if he tried to change up that routine, he  suffered the consequences. The urges would become more and more intense until he was  a danger to anyone around him. Thank the gods Seattle was a large city with a rising  population and had plenty of human females. And that vampires were immune to STD’s. 

And now, if he wasn’t mistaken, he’d been locked in this place for weeks. Long  enough that it wasn’t only his body that was suffering. He was beginning to feel like he  was losing his mind, losing what was left of his humanity, and turning into the mindless  creature that the horror movies always depicted those like him to be. 

Of course it was all because he’d lowered his guard and gotten himself captured  because he was too busy thinking about his dick, rather than what he should’ve been  doing.  

Keeping to his usual nightly routine, he’d left his apartment building to hook up  with a new girl at a nearby strip club instead of helping Dante and Shea prepare for  Luukas’ rescue mission. He and the other Hunters were supposed to join Nikulas and  Aiden across the Canadian border. They’d only just discovered that the psycho who had  taken their leader had returned to the area with Luukas in tow. 

He’d let down his friends who’d been depending on him. And worse, he’d failed  his creator. The male that had taken him under his wing and taught him what it was to be  a male worthy of calling himself such. 

He wasn’t worthy of anything or anyone these days.  

Christian groaned and flopped over onto his back, the pain in his body overriding  everything else as it always did. God help the first female he came across when he finally  got the fuck out of here. And he would get out of here, somehow. He only hoped the first  woman he came across wasn’t his dancing girl with the fiery hair, because the odds of her  surviving that encounter were pretty much shit. At the thought of hurting her, a sharp,  stabbing pain pierced through his heart and added to his agony. 

He wouldn’t mean to hurt her. He wouldn’t. But in the state he was in, he didn’t 

think he’d be able to avoid it.  And didn’t that just suck balls.

click here to read reviews

What readers are saying:

★★★★★ - " the perfect blend of humor and dark intensity for me.   I can't wait to read Aiden's book! He's my favorite character. Which is a little disturbing since he has a severed head collection. But he likes marshmallows. A man after my own heart." - A Vampire Bewitched Reader

★★★★★ -  "Thoroughly enjoyed every word. The plot, pace and character development were well thought out and written. "Buff and fangy" indeed! It keeps you enchanted from start to finish. HOT, HOT, HOT sex, a feisty leading lady and the HEA we all need. Will definitely recommend this series. - A Vampire Bewitched Reader

★★★★★ - "I truly enjoyed reading this story, it's one of the Best vampire stories that I've read 😃. Fantastic characters, great setup for a new series and a addicting storyline 😊. Thanks L.E., I'm so looking forward to reading more 🤓. - A Vampire Bewitched Reader

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Books Included with this Bundle

- The Deathless Night Books 4 - 6

  • A Vampire's Submission
  • A Vampire Betrayed
  • A Vampire's Choice
Ver todos los detalles

Customer Reviews

Based on 97 reviews
mrs heidi moran

Think I have read them all now

mrs heidi moran

Just keep getting better

Carol Urey

This is a good easy read - I'm enjoying the series - close to the Brotherhood series - looking forward to the rest of series

Amazon CustomerJ.. Ziegler

There was nothing to dislike about this series. Once I started it I couldn't stop so had to continue from 1-6 as fast as I could. I would recommend this series to anyone who likes crazy paranormal stories about demons, vampires and witches that you can tell from about book 2-3 that it's heading towards "spoofville" and not a serious paranormal serious.


Good readVery good series I would luv to see more books about these characters in the future thank you