about Me

I'm L.E.
I've loved reading books for as long as I can remember. Stories like Charlotte's Web and the Little House books and Beverly Cleary. Until I was about thirteen, when my mom gave me my first historical romance novel.
I was immediately hooked.
Especially the stories about the guys who have so many red flags, I would never date them in real life. But in my book world I loved them (and I still do!) The more tortured the better!
However, I also loved to read authors like Steven King and Anne Rice.
So when I discovered paranormal romance, it was like the heavens opened up, the angels (or demons) started singing, and I'd found my new obsession!
Today, I write adult paranormal romance books. I have over 20 published works.
These usually star protective alpha males and the women who are fearless enough to tame them — for the most part anyway. ;) Because honestly, they kind of like their guys just the way they are.
In my novels you'll also find smoking hot scenes, a touch of suspense, some humor, a bit of gore, and multifaceted characters all working together to combine my lifelong obsession with the paranormal and my love of romance.
Lattes and music are a necessary part of my writing process, and sometimes you'll find me typing away at my favorite coffee shop.

On a Personal Note:
“I love to hear from my readers! Contact me anytime at le@lewilsonauthor.com."