L.E. Wilson
Deathless Night Complete Box Set Bücher 1-6 (EBOOK)
Deathless Night Complete Box Set Bücher 1-6 (EBOOK)
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click to read the synopsis
Mine to protect. Mine to claim. Mine to keep.
When their world is threatened, six vampires solicit the help of a family of reluctant witches to break the curse that's been cast on them and stop the jealous designs of an outcast coven member.
Compelled to protect, forbidden to love, the vampires discover with one taste of their blood that they're bound to their witches by more than their shared cause.
They're bound by fate.
The Deathless Night series is a spicy, adult paranormal romance full of action and suspense, and maybe even a few Scottish werewolf shifters. It also features damaged, possessive, protective heroes and the strong heroines who steal their heart.
Get it today and get ready to sink your teeth into your next favorite PNR read
(Deathless Night-Serie)
Lieben Sie schicksalhafte Freunde? Verbotene Romantik? Feinde zu Liebhabern? Und erzwungene Nähe?
Ein Meistervampir wird seit sieben Jahren vermisst – und diejenigen, die ihm am nächsten stehen, sind durch die eifersüchtigen Pläne der Frau, die ihn versklavt hat, verflucht. Um ihn zu retten, bitten seine Vampire eine Familie widerstrebender Hexen um Hilfe. Doch bei einem Vorgeschmack entdecken sie bald, dass es nicht nur ihre gemeinsame Sache ist, die sie zusammenbringt ...
Es ist Schicksal.
Dieses Boxset enthält die gesamte Serie von LE Wilsons Deathless Night Series, einschließlich:
Ein von einer Hexe verhexter Vampir – Verbunden durch ihre gemeinsame Sache, gequält von ihrer schicksalhaften Anziehungskraft, machen sich Nikulas und Emma auf die Suche nach ihren Geschwistern. Er braucht ihr Blut zum Überleben. Aber kann Nikulas sie vor dem Einzigen retten, das sie letztendlich zerstören könnte – sich selbst?
Die Rache eines Vampirs – Gefoltert und ausgehungert kämpft Luukas‘ Hunger nach Keira mit seiner Gier nach Rache. Sein zerrütteter Verstand muss sich entscheiden: die Hexe zu töten oder den Engel zu lieben – und sie für immer zu SEINEM zu machen.
Ein besessener Vampir - Mit einem sexy britischen Akzent und leuchtend grauen Augen, die vor Unfug tanzen, bringt Aidens Berührung Graces Blut zum Singen. Doch etwas an ihm lässt sie Gänsehaut bekommen, und das liegt nicht nur an der Tatsache, dass er Reißzähne hat.
Ein verratener Vampir – Christian ist der fleischlichen Gnade einer Frau ausgeliefert, deren Augen wie der Mittagshimmel und Haare in den Farben eines Sommersonnenuntergangs sind. Sein Verlangen nach ihr ist unnatürlich und ihr beim Tanzen zuzusehen, lässt sein Blut wie Säure in seinen Adern brennen ...
Die Unterwerfung eines Vampirs – Nichts hat Laney auf das Monster vorbereitet, das mit der untergehenden Sonne kommt, um sie zu verfolgen. In den Augenblicken, bevor er angreift, schießt ein Wort durch ihren verängstigten Geist: Vampir . Es gelingt ihr zu entkommen, aber er folgt dem Ruf ihres Blutes und entfacht eine Leidenschaft in ihr, die sie fast ebenso erschreckt wie erregt.
Die Wahl eines Vampirs – Jesse Moss stellt fest, dass er von der Erinnerung an einen Vampir besessen ist, den er aus unerklärlichen Gründen beschützen muss. Nacht für Nacht liegt er eingehüllt in ihrem Duft, ihre Whiskystimme dringt in seine Träume ein und zum ersten Mal in seinem einsamen Leben fühlt er sich allein in der Dunkelheit. Unruhig und besorgt verfolgt er sie zu ihrem Haus und bietet ihr einen Deal an, wenn sie nur bereit ist, etwas Zeit mit ihm zu verbringen. Ein Deal, den er nicht einhalten will ...
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Nikulas pushed himself off the ground and rose to his full height. He rolled his head on his shoulders, then looked toward the house he’d been watching.
Or rather, the female inside the house—Emma Moss.
He’d been here every night for the past week, watching, waiting, learning her habits and her routine, hoping to pick up on something that would confirm his suspicions.
So far he’d learned…absolutely nothing. Except she worked too much and seemed to be a vegetarian.
This was the first time he’d spent the entire night there, though. Usually he’d find a good vantage point in one of the trees surrounding her place right after sunset—about seven or eight at night—and he’d hang out until she went to bed around eleven. There was nothing much to see after that.
As far as he could tell, Emma was a loner. She had no family. No friends. She didn’t even have a pet.
And wasn’t that interesting in and of itself.
In spite of the fact he’d learned nothing to support what he knew about her, he didn’t consider the past week a complete waste of time. Mainly because Emma Moss was fucking hot. Boring…but hot.
Even from halfway down her driveway hiding under a canopy of trees, he could see her well enough to know the female had been blessed with some good genes. Her body was lean and petite, and her face—framed by shoulder-length hair of some light, indecisive color…blond, maybe—could be on the cover of a magazine.
He’d love to be able to see that hair in the sunlight…run his fingers through it…lift it to his nose. He’d bet she smelled great with all the showers she took. One every night as soon as she came home, and probably again in the morning. She seemed to be the type.
Nik had just decided it was time to leave when he saw her bedroom light come on. Curious as to what her morning routine was, he leaned back against his favorite tree, crossed his muscular arms over his hard chest, and prepared to watch the show. His eyes followed the light trail as she made her way downstairs in the god-awful robe she always wore and walked into the kitchen and out of sight.
He waited where he was, thinking she wouldn’t be there long. Probably just getting a drink.
Yup, there she goes, back upstairs, glass of water in hand.
He grinned widely, proud of himself that he’d guessed correctly, but between one second and the next, his smile turned into a scowl.
Man, I need to get a fucking life.
Emma walked across the bedroom and into her bathroom. A few minutes passed, then the lights turned off one by one as she made her way downstairs annnd…out the front door.
Nik shoved away from the tree. Shit! He needed to hightail it out of there, he wasn’t ready to be seen. Besides, it was way too close to dawn. Still safe for him to be out, but just barely. He really needed to go.
Instead, he pulled his hood up to cover his light hair and silently moved to a more concealed vantage point behind the tree.
He watched as she strode across the porch to the top of the steps and stretched, grabbing her feet behind her—first one, then the other. Nik’s eyebrows lifted when she bent over to touch her toes, giving him a full view of her ass. A pose that brought an interested lift to other parts of him, as well. She shook out her arms and legs, put her ear buds in, and headed his way at an easy jog.
As she came closer and closer, Nikulas became as still as the trees around him. Standing in the pre-dawn shadows of a large maple, he watched, mesmerized, as the most stunning creature he’d ever seen passed within mere feet of him, completely unaware of his presence.
Holy shit.
His lungs began to ache as she jogged by, reminding him to breathe, and he sucked in a big gulp of air. A second later, he wished he hadn’t done that.
Her luscious scent hit him hard, and his body responded instantly, gums burning as his fangs elongated. Saliva filled his mouth and his muscles hardened in preparation to hunt. To feed.
He’d spent the past week watching her from afar through the windows of her house, but nothing had prepared him for the sight, and smell, of her up close and personal.
His eyes followed her with an interest bordering on obsession. She moved with the easy grace born to a natural runner. Her…oh yeah…strawberry-blond ponytail bounced in the breeze, and her flawless, alabaster skin was just starting to flush a bit from the wind and exertion. He watched her cute little backside—in those tight running pants—bounce by him and out to the end of her driveway, where she turned right and headed down the rural road.
He scrubbed a hand over his mouth as he watched her.
FUCK me.
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What readers are saying:
★★★★★ - " the perfect blend of humor and dark intensity for me. I can't wait to read Aiden's book! He's my favorite character. Which is a little disturbing since he has a severed head collection. But he likes marshmallows. A man after my own heart." - A Vampire Bewitched Reader
★★★★★ - "Thoroughly enjoyed every word. The plot, pace and character development were well thought out and written. "Buff and fangy" indeed! It keeps you enchanted from start to finish. HOT, HOT, HOT sex, a feisty leading lady and the HEA we all need. Will definitely recommend this series. - A Vampire Bewitched Reader
★★★★★ - "I truly enjoyed reading this story, it's one of the Best vampire stories that I've read 😃. Fantastic characters, great setup for a new series and a addicting storyline 😊. Thanks L.E., I'm so looking forward to reading more 🤓. - A Vampire Bewitched Reader

Books Included with this Bundle
- The Deathless Night Series
- A Vampire Bewitched
- A Vampire's Vangeance
- A Vampire Possessed
- A Vampire's Submission
- A Vampire Betrayed
- A Vampire's Choice

Spoilers (Kinda. Not sure if what I revealed counts but now you've been warned).This author has the perfect blend of humor and dark intensity for me. And can I just say I can't wait to read Aiden's book! He's my favorite character. Which is a little disturbing since he has a severed head collection. But he likes marshmallows. A man after my own heart.
I've all of these now they do get very interesting they make you smile an be happy for the guys who find there special lady 😊
Seven years! Wow. Emma and Nikulas waiting for any news of their siblings' fate. Emma doesn't have any clues to follow; Nik knows who captured his brother. As fated mates, a witch and a vampire, they come together to rescue their family.Immensely enjoyed the first book. Bought the second in the series. Can't wait to read about the siblings and how they survived.
A Vampire Bewitched, written by L.E. Wilson, is the first book in the Deathless Night series. This is also the first book I have read by this author, but it won't be the last. This story held me captive from start to finish. It is well written, with a good plot, likeable characters, paranormal beings and witches, danger, adventure, friendships, family, fated mates, some spicy scenes, love and a happily-ever-after. I am looking forward to reading the second book in this series.
Enjoyed the book. I enjoy the snarky chemistry and sarcastic characters. I liked how the side characters were introduced. It is a easy to tell they will be in future novels, but they did not seemed to be thrown in to simply connect one book to another, like I've read in other books. There wasn't any overly done character development for them, but enough to give a personality.I felt the ending seemed rushed. Although I'm fine with cliffhanger ending, this felt like a longer ending was shoved into 3-4 pages.