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Based on 2160 reviews
Very interesting Vampier stories

These covers look amazing. Can't wait to read them. Have just had a Total Hip Replacement so taking it slow sitting up to read. The Vampiers all look HOT, so yummy.

Wonderful series

Hard to put it down! Loved the characters and their stories. I have literally stayed up really late because I wanted to know what happens.

Absolutely loved it! Was such a great book

Was great love it!

Absolutely the best!

I absolutely LOVE this book! So much so I had to buy more of the series!

Well made mug with bright graphics of adorable Mojo and subtle author logo. Love it! Perfect size to bring everywhere and wish I was lost on another book!

This is my 3rd read through of this series and I am still in love with it!

I have from start to finish reading every single one of your books and I am completely satisfied with them all. Great and awesome well done reading you have given

I like that the characters are not cliche, sometimes it took me two or three times reading a sentence to understand what was trying to be said because of the Scottish accent and writing the words how they are meant to be heard.

I like that the characters are not cliche, sometimes it took me two or three times reading a sentence to understand what was trying to be said because of the Scottish accent and writing the words how they are meant to be heard.

Devon is an intelligent character. I enjoyed the stoyline, the struggle of the characters and the world they're from. It's well written and interesting.

A great read

Devon is an intelligent character. I enjoyed the stoyline, the struggle of the characters and the world they're from. It's well written and interesting.

LOVE LOVE LOVE. In case that didn't make things clear enough, I loved this book from L.E. Wilson. I mean, I've loved all her books, but there's something extra special about her vampire books, and this one is especially fantastic. Killian is my type of vampire hero--a little dark, a little damaged, and entirely too sexy for his own good. And Lizzy is a heroine that paranormal romance lovers can really relate to--smart, brave, and ready to do whatever it takes to protect those she loves. Long-story-short, this is a read that I can't recommend highly enough. The next book CAN NOT come quickly enough for me!!! (Also: For fans of The Originals, Killian sometimes gives me Klaus vibes. Yummy.)

Have I mentioned lately that I just adore this author and her characters? I have? Well, I think it needs to be repeated. I LOVE THIS AUTHOR AND HER CHARACTERS! Sorry for the shouty caps, folks, but that's how I feel. The world building in this series (and in the author's Deathless Night vampire series) is so unique that I'm always a little surprised when I pick one of these books up. I mean, how often in PNR do you find super-unique world building? And Lucian is 100% my kind of hero. He's a sexy, grumpy jerk (but in a good way :) with a well-hidden heart of gold. Then there's the Scottish accent to yummy. So, long-story-short, I highly recommend you pick up this book, or any of the author's books, really, and start binge reading. You can thank me later...

These Scottish werewolves just delight me to no end, y'all. This book's a keeper--unique plot, great dialogue, plenty of sexy times, and a heroine who can hold her own in a fight. What more could you want? It's a very enthusiastic "yes" from me (said in my best Simon Cowell impression...which is really kind of awful. But anyhoo...) If you haven't already, give this series a read. You'll be glad you did. :)

I had the pleasure of reading an ARC of this book, and I have to say, I loved it! With this author, after every book of hers I read, I think, "Well, it'll never get better than THAT." Then she proves me wrong. It's a rare paranormal romance author who can manage to come up with plots that are truly unique, and LE Wilson is rare indeed. Her books are never cliche, never boring. This is a great series starter for both urban fantasy and PNR fans because the balance of sexy times and action is PERFECT. I honestly can't wait to see what comes next in this series. (And on a totally shallow note, this cover is HOT HOT HOT!!!) Buy it, devour it, love it. You won't regret it!

To say that Dante is a complicated dude is a ridiculous understatement of fact. He's dark and twisty and damaged. Those of you who are prone to fangirling over anti-heroes (and you know who you are) should one-click this book IMMEDIATELY.

And the fact that this author can write such diverse heroes in her books makes me love and hate her simultaneously. (The hate being a product of jealousy, of course.) I mean, you go from the sexy Nik, to the broken Luukas, to happy-go-luck Aiden, to the driven Christian, to the dark and twisty Dante...I've never seen such a diverse set of heroes in a series in all my life. And they're all deserving of their heroines and their HEAs in their own unique ways. There's no cut-and-paste in this author's stories. That I can promise you.

In order to avoid gushing and squeeing like a preteen, I'll wrap up the review by simply saying that this is a series that keeps getting better and better with every installment. All you lovers of paranormal romance out there: do yourselves a favor and if you haven't already, pick up book 1, A Vampire Bewitched. You'll thank me later. (But know that Nik is mine. I called dibs a long time ago, and there are no take-backs.)

Gah...I'm in such a book coma after finishing this one. I'm so happy that Shea and Jesse got their happily ever after and that the journey they took to get there was so fabulous, their story is over and I'm sad. Like, I-need-to-go-buy-chocolate-and-tequila-and-drown-my-sorrows sad, you know?

Fans of the series, you'll love Shea and Jesse's story. (She made him work for it, y'all, but it was great) And if you haven't read the series, why the heck not? Get to your e-reader and download A Vampire Bewitched, slackers! You'll thank me later.

That's all I have to say, because otherwise, I'll just degenerate into obnoxious fangirling and squeeing, and we can't have that... (*clears throat, walks away in a totally dignified manner*)

There was a little split second of eye contact between Bitsy and Keegan in A Wolf’s Honor and that was all it took to hook me. I was so excited to read this book!! I'm a little ashamed of how ridiculously invested I was in the HEA of these two. And as always, the author didn't let me down. Keegan's redemption was a beautiful thing to behold. (And he groveled for her forgiveness JUST RIGHT, too!) Keegan, while a bit of an asshat in A Wolf’s Honor, became prime book boyfriend material in this book, and I adored every minute of it. In case I haven't made it clear, I highly recommend this series!! (And also highly recommend the author's vampire series, starting with A Vampire Bewitched) Happy reading, all!!

brilliant book eventive story

Klaus from The Originals vibes!!

LOVE LOVE LOVE. In case that didn't make things clear enough, I loved this book from L.E. Wilson. I mean, I've loved all her books, but there's something extra special about her vampire books, and this one is especially fantastic. Killian is my type of vampire hero--a little dark, a little damaged, and entirely too sexy for his own good. And Lizzy is a heroine that paranormal romance lovers can really relate to--smart, brave, and ready to do whatever it takes to protect those she loves. Long-story-short, this is a read that I can't recommend highly enough. The next book CAN NOT come quickly enough for me!!! (Also: For fans of The Originals, Killian sometimes gives me Klaus vibes. Yummy.)

Scottish werewolves. I mean, do you really need to know more than that?

Have I mentioned lately that I just adore this author and her characters? I have? Well, I think it needs to be repeated. I LOVE THIS AUTHOR AND HER CHARACTERS! Sorry for the shouty caps, folks, but that's how I feel. The world building in this series (and in the author's Deathless Night vampire series) is so unique that I'm always a little surprised when I pick one of these books up. I mean, how often in PNR do you find super-unique world building? And Lucian is 100% my kind of hero. He's a sexy, grumpy jerk (but in a good way :) with a well-hidden heart of gold. Then there's the Scottish accent to yummy. So, long-story-short, I highly recommend you pick up this book, or any of the author's books, really, and start binge reading. You can thank me later...

Another keeper. I'm not even surprised anymore.

These Scottish werewolves just delight me to no end, y'all. This book's a keeper--unique plot, great dialogue, plenty of sexy times, and a heroine who can hold her own in a fight. What more could you want? It's a very enthusiastic "yes" from me (said in my best Simon Cowell impression...which is really kind of awful. But anyhoo...) If you haven't already, give this series a read. You'll be glad you did. :)

More dragons, please!!!

I had the pleasure of reading an ARC of this book, and I have to say, I loved it! With this author, after every book of hers I read, I think, "Well, it'll never get better than THAT." Then she proves me wrong. It's a rare paranormal romance author who can manage to come up with plots that are truly unique, and LE Wilson is rare indeed. Her books are never cliche, never boring. This is a great series starter for both urban fantasy and PNR fans because the balance of sexy times and action is PERFECT. I honestly can't wait to see what comes next in this series. (And on a totally shallow note, this cover is HOT HOT HOT!!!) Buy it, devour it, love it. You won't regret it!

Lovers of damaged anti-heroes...Dante was designed especially for you

To say that Dante is a complicated dude is a ridiculous understatement of fact. He's dark and twisty and damaged. Those of you who are prone to fangirling over anti-heroes (and you know who you are) should one-click this book IMMEDIATELY.

And the fact that this author can write such diverse heroes in her books makes me love and hate her simultaneously. (The hate being a product of jealousy, of course.) I mean, you go from the sexy Nik, to the broken Luukas, to happy-go-luck Aiden, to the driven Christian, to the dark and twisty Dante...I've never seen such a diverse set of heroes in a series in all my life. And they're all deserving of their heroines and their HEAs in their own unique ways. There's no cut-and-paste in this author's stories. That I can promise you.

In order to avoid gushing and squeeing like a preteen, I'll wrap up the review by simply saying that this is a series that keeps getting better and better with every installment. All you lovers of paranormal romance out there: do yourselves a favor and if you haven't already, pick up book 1, A Vampire Bewitched. You'll thank me later. (But know that Nik is mine. I called dibs a long time ago, and there are no take-backs.)